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In examining the development of ICTs in schools, universities and by Becta June 2001, becta.org.uk/research/reports/docs/reynolds.pdf. PDF | This essay describes some benefits of implementing ICT in classroom, especially within the area of collaborative and self-managed learning. IMPORTANCE OF ICT IN EDUCATION Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma1, Dr. Sanjay Dahiya2, Chaman verma3 1 Associate Professor, JJT University, Jhunjhunu Raj. from csdms.in/gesci/pdf/CANADA-Alberta.pdf. Kenya Ministry of Education. (2006). National Information Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy.Methodology: E-readiness as a framework for quantifying ICT in education . unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/Events/Paris%
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