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For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. Schedule 4 (Form 1040) 2018. Sean T & Ihssane Leckey. Amounts on this schedule included the self-employment tax, additional tax on qualified retirement plans from form 5329, repayment of first-time home buyer 4642, Voluntary Contributions Schedule, Instructions included on form. MI-1040CR-2, Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim for Veterans and Blind People ? Go to irs.gov/Form1040 for instructions and the latest information. OMB No. 1545-0074. 2018. Attachment. Sequence No. 04. Name( 2018 Tax Calculator and Income Tax Forms, Schedules, And Tables. Complete These Tax Form Description:Detailed Form 1040 Instructions for tax year 2018.Schedule 2: Supporting documentation for tax form 1040 if box 11b is checked. This Schedule is used to report additional taxes owed such as the alternative
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